Guidance for Contributors to Wiðowinde

Contributions to our magazine Wiðowinde are invited from anyone with an interest in the Anglo-Saxon period (CE 400-1100). Contributions from experts in the field and from present members of Ða Engliscan Gesiðas (The English Companions) are especially welcomed. No cash payment is made for materials published.

All submissions will be considered for publication, regardless of format. However, our preferred formats and means of transmission are:

  • By e-mail direct to the Editor (;
  • Or on a USB memory-stick;
  • Documents should be submitted in MS Word, Open Office, MS Publisher or rich-text file (.rtf) format;
  • Special paragraph, page or text formatting (margins, line spacing, page orientation, fonts, etc.) should not be used without prior agreement;
  • Images must not be embedded in documents. Where provided electronically, they should be in .jpeg or .tiff format at 300dpi with a file size no greater than 1MB;

Where it is not possible to provide material in this electronic format then articles may be sent either by post, type-written, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only.

The author of an article must clear copyright of all material, written, illustrative or photographic submitted for publication.

Contributors wishing to have unused printed materials returned to them should include a suitably-sized, stamped and self-addressed envelope. (Please note, however: UNLESS a specific timescale for return is indicated, the Editor is deemed to have agreement to retain an article until a suitable opportunity arises for its publication). 

The Editor will always acknowledge receipt of any submissions sent electronically. Receipt of contributions, other than those sent by email, is not normally acknowledged. Contributors wishing to receive an acknowledgement for materials sent by post are asked to supply a stamped and self-addressed postcard.

Ða Engliscan Gesiðas (The English Companions) cannot accept responsibility for literary contributions, drawings, photographs etc. during transmission or while in the Editor’s charge.

Copyright and moral rights to articles remain with their respective authors; however, Ða Engliscan Gesiðas (The English Companions) is deemed to have agreement to reprint or make available through its website(s) at a later date any and all materials which have previously appeared in its magazines. Individual copyrights will be affirmed with the copyright symbol ( © ) only where this is specifically requested.

While the Editor will not knowingly include erroneous information, the responsibility for accuracy lies with individual authors. Wiðowinde is deemed to provide, amongst other things, a forum for debate and any views expressed within its pages by any persons remain their own, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor, Witan (Directors) or of Ða Engliscan Gesiðas (The English Companions) as a body corporate.