Cutha and his twin sister Cyne live on a typical Anglo-Saxon farm, and tell us about their lives.
The chronicles are written for younger readers, or they may be used by Primary School teachers as a starting-point for a study of the Anglo-Saxon period.
You can download copies of Cutha’s Chonicles by clicking on the links below.
Dragons, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about all the different types of dragons
Warriors, in which Cutha tells us about how the men have to go away to fight for their lord
Months of the year, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about the things they do during January-May
More months of the year, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about the things they do during August-December
Life during winter, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about life during the coldest part of the year
Making a flute, in which Cutha shows us how he made his flute
Where we live, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about their home
Beating the bounds, in which Cutha learns about the boundaries of his family’s land
A visit to the market, in which Cytha and Cyne visit a market town with their uncle
Paying the rent, in which the earl comes to collect his rent
More about paying the rent, in which we find out more about how the Anglo-Saxons paid rent
Growing food, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about the food they grow and animals they keep on the farm
Preserving food, in which Cytha and Cyne tell us how they stop food from going rotten
Looking after the pigs, in which Cutha and Cyne tell us about taking the pigs to the woods in Autumn
Making bread, in which we learn how to make bread, and find a recipe
Making cloth, in which Cutha and Cyne explain how cloth is made to make their clothes
Cutha’s Chronicles were written by Karl Wittwer and illustrated by Paul Finlow-Bates for Wiðowinde, the magazine for members of Đa Engliscan Gesiðas (The English Companions).
Cutha’s Chronicles may be freely copied entirely for educational purposes, but illustrations and text may not be extracted, separated, or reproduced for commercial gain.