1066 – After the Battle
With Harold fallen, and the survivors of the English fyrd having melted away into the night, Harold’s huscarles held their ground and fought on grimly until they were cut down and killed. After the slaughter, William and his army must have been exhausted, and no doubt slept in their armour on the battlefield.
When they had rested, the army marched on London. After some resistance at first, the city surrendered. William probably received some reinforcements from Normandy, and on Christmas Day 1066, had himself crowned king of England. Now, he had to decide what to do next.
Role play
With a partner, imagine you’re William, and decide how to deal with each problem. Some possible solutions to each problem are given, but you may think of others!
My army is quite big, and it’s expensive to keep going…
*Tell them all to go home: the war’s over.
* Keep some of them – I must have an army!
*Keep them all –the war’s not over yet
*Sell the horses and armour
*Make the English pay for my army
My knights are expecting big rewards for having risked their lives for me…
* Say ‘thanks’ and tell them to go home
* Give them English land
My mercenaries need to be paid…
* Make the English pay, then send them home
* Tell them I haven’t got any money
I’m in a foreign city: I don’t feel safe …
*Just go home to Normandy
* Build a palace in the countryside
* Build a castle in the heart of the city
* Pretend I’m not scared
I can’t speak their language…
* Make them learn French
* Learn English
* Hire interpreters
* Who cares about their stupid language?