You can join now or read more about the benefits of membership first before choosing your membership option.
Benefits of Membership
For our Members:
We publish a quarterly magazine, Withowinde. This is available either as a full-colour printed magazine or electronically as a PDF file.
Members can also purchase a full set of electronic copies of Withowinde along with an index to allow them to read every article published. Here is an example of the range of articles included in our index.
Members have the opportunity to sign up for an Old English correspondence course which teaches both the written and spoken language, allowing participants to follow in the footsteps of Tolkien or to read the poetry, charters, sermons or histories of the Anglo-Saxons in their original language.
The course comprises 8 lessons with exercises and accompanying material on grammar and vocabulary; a set of pocket-sized self-correcting grammar booklets; audio files to bring the spoken word to life. The first lesson can be downloaded here to provide a flavour of the style and content of the course.
Students translate between Old and Modern English, guided by an expert tutor who assesses completed exercises and provides feedback, corrections and supportive advice.
Each lesson is sent out separately by the tutor. Once it has been returned with completed exercises the work is assessed and returned with the next lesson. There is no time limit and learners can work at their own pace. On completion the tutor will provide suggestions for continuing your studies.
Course cost, including tutor support, materials and postage: £50 (UK) / £100 (overseas). Full details for signing up for the course are provided in each Wiðowinde.
Our local groups of members, organised on a geographical basis, arrange their own meetings and attend lectures, exhibitions and events; these provide an opportunity to meet other people who share an interest in this fascinating historical period. Individual members may also arrange opportunities to meet up and visit sites of interest or organise on-line social events or talks.
Some groups also participate in relevant events such as the Stamford Bridge annual history festival and the Hastings Commemoration, or offer talks or learning activities on specific topics with local groups or schools.
We also usually arrange an annual Symbel (Feast) for our AGM which includes a meal and lecture on a topic of interest, as well as the chance to meet other members from the wider membership socially.
Membership options and costs
Signing up for (or renewing) membership can be done online or by downloading and sending a membership application form to our Membership Secretary. Members will receive their printed magazine quarterly or may choose to receive it in electronic form for a lower annual price. The online membership option includes all the other membership benefits.
Online Membership
Available to individuals over the age of 16
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the electronic version of the magazine, Wiðowinde, in PDF format.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
Available to individuals living at the same address, aged over 16 (membership for children up to the age of 16 is free.)
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the PDF version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
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UK Membership
Available to individuals over the age of 16
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the printed version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
Available to individuals living at the same address, aged over 16 (membership for children up to the age of 16 is free)
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the printed version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
** Please enter the names of all members in the name section**
Membership in Europe
Available to individuals over the age of 16
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the printed version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
Available to individuals living at the same address, aged over 16 (membership for children up to the age of 16 is free).
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the printed version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
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Membership for the Rest of the World
Available to individuals over the age of 16
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the printed version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
Available to individuals living at the same address, aged over 16 (membership for children up to the age of 16 is free)
Full annual membership to the English Companions with a subscription to the printed version of the magazine, Wiðowinde.
*This charge includes a transaction fee for our on-line payment system.
** Please enter the names of all members in the name section**
If you do not wish to pay through the website …..
To join, click on the Membership Application form, the form includes details on how to pay and where to send the completed form. If you have any questions about membership, please send us a message.