May Update 2024

With the arrival of spring we are finally finding out ourselves out and about a bit more. So, what have we been up to?

Firstly, one of our Companions delivered a talk on “Beowulf and Sutton Hoo” in Harrogate, looking at how the finds from the dig and the poetry of Beowulf inform and enhance one another, and how stories have continued to grow over the centuries around both the site and the poem.

Companion giving talk on the topic of "Beowulf and Sutton Hoo"
Companions at stall in Repton in May 2024

We also had a stall at the Repton Village Fair, where we talked to visitors about the heritage of the area, and took the opportunity to pop into the nearby church of St Wystan for a look at the Anglo-Saxon crypt.

Our Yorkshire Group visited Lythe St Oswald to hear about the collection of more than thirty Anglo-Scandinavian funerary stone carvings dating to the 10th-11th centuries. This collection was fascinating and led to much discussion over the following pub lunch.

Events later this year

We will be attending events over the coming months where we hope to meet as many visitors as possible to chat about Anglo-Saxon history and culture:

  • Dalby Forest, 7 July
  • Sutton Bank, 4 August
  • Stamford Bridge, 28 September
  • Hastings Battle Commemoration October, TBC

Members will also have the chance to join in Zoom socials or visits arranged by their local groups, as well as attend our annual Feast in September. More details can be found in Wiðowinde.

Follow our Facebook page to keep updated.