This self-contained course is open to all members of the English Companions. It involves translating Old English into Modern English and Modern English into Old English. At the end of the course students should be able to read, understand, write and speak Old English to a standard which will enable them to be confident should they wish to pursue their interest and studies in Old English further.
The course comprises a series of eight lessons with exercises and accompanying material on grammar and vocabulary. There are also pocket-sized grammar drill booklets for practice, and audio files to assist in the understanding of the spoken word.
Students are guided through the course by an expert tutor who assesses completed exercises, amends and comments, and provides supportive advice. Each lesson is sent out separately by the tutor; when it has been sent back to the tutor, the work is marked and returned together with the next lesson. There is no time limit: students take very different amounts of time to finish depending on personal circumstance. On finishing, the tutor will give suggestions for further material, so that the interest in the language can be continued.
For details of costs, see current version of the members’ magazine, Wiðowinde.
The full language course is available only to members of the English Companions.
However, to give potential students an indication of what they may encounter Lesson 1 can is available by clicking on the link below.
All the Old English is read through on sound files provided to the student as part of the course material. The embedded video below contains the audio accompaniment to the first Unit.
All the material is Copyright © Ða Engliscan Gesiðas (The English Companions).